Lighting Design Suggestions to Make Offices More Efficient

Lighting Design Suggestions to Make Offices More Efficient

Offices are the areas where we spend more time in our daily lives than our homes. Although remote and hybrid working models have become widespread recently, most of the employees still complete their work in offices. This corresponds to a long process that lasts from the first hours of the day until the evening. The fact that offices are the places where we want to feel energetic, vigorous, positive and healthy while building the career of our dreams, also reveals the need for good decoration and good lighting. In addition to a beautiful decoration; Ergonomic, accurate and modern lighting makes our working times more productive and creative. This conscious lighting design, called "Human-Centered Lighting", adds significant advantages to the performances of the employees.

Choosing the right lighting design in offices protects the eye health of employees, while also supporting them to focus in a healthy way and work more efficiently. The first thing to consider in order to increase the performance of the teams by making the offices more efficient is to make use of natural light as much as possible. The first condition of using natural light beneficially is to build the institutions and companies in the right positions where they can benefit from the sunlight in the best and longest time. Planning the seating arrangements of the employees close to the glass edges and painting the walls in a light color so that the sunlight illuminates the environment in the best way is another issue that should be considered for efficient office lighting. Before choosing lighting design and luminaires, determining and detailing closed and dark areas is a must for efficient lighting that meets the needs correctly.

The Right Light Brightness and Level for Efficient Offices

When designing lighting for offices, it would be wrong to give importance only to the external appearance of lighting products. As in every efficient and aesthetic element, form and content should be integrated with each other in office lighting. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the light brightness and light color of LED pendant chandeliers or LED plafonds used for general lighting. The light brightness of LED lighting used in offices should be neither more nor less. LED lights should be soft enough not to strain the eyes and powerful enough to provide comfortable vision. The illumination level, which expresses the amount of luminous flux per unit area, that is, the light intensity, should be designed in accordance with the EN-12464-1 standard.

According to European standards, 500 lux lighting level should be preferred for ideal office lighting, and 750 lux lighting level should be preferred in drawing areas. The width of the rooms should also be considered in this section. If the room is large and has a common seating arrangement, general lighting alone will not be sufficient. Calculation of illumination at the level of 100 lumens per square meter is important for continuous motivation. If the general lighting products used in large work areas offer a lighting level of less than 100 lumens per square meter, they can be powered by another LED general lighting product or supplemented with task lighting products such as floor lamps, table lamps and sconces.

Choosing the light color (light temperature) as natural white light called 4000-4500 Kelvin will also make the employees feel energetic and fresh throughout the day. The use of colored LED lights in office lighting can cause unproductive results such as eye strain or distraction, and it can also make the atmosphere of the environment more intimate than necessary. Therefore, the use of colored LED lights should not be preferred in offices. In addition to these details, the fact that the light does not flicker and does not change the colors in the environment is one of the requirements of a quality office lighting.

The Importance of Task Lighting in Offices

For more efficient and personalized workspaces, general lighting in offices should be supported by task lighting. Especially in offices with a large area, using LED desk lamps as well as general lighting has many benefits such as protecting the eye health of employees, increasing reading comfort and prolonging focus time. Especially dimmable (with dimmer) table lamps can create a more personalized space for employees.

Although LED desk lamps are the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to task lighting in offices, LED wall sconces placed on work desks or related walls can also create a very stylish and efficient atmosphere. You can be even more creative and include LED floor lamps with contemporary designs in your offices. When choosing task lighting, paying attention not only to efficiency but also to elegance can greatly increase the benefits of lighting design. A visually successful workspace can host more creative processes by increasing employee satisfaction and happiness. This also means that your company or office will be showcased more on various social media channels.

Illumination of Resting Areas in Offices

Our mind perceives much more than what we see, hear and think during the day without us being aware of it. Lighting is also an element that our mind perceives and reacts to, even if we are not aware of it most of the time. The fact that our minds, which is the leading role of our careers, fully perceive that we take a break during the day, offers us a more sustainable performance. For this reason, it would be a wise choice to keep the resting areas and corridors in the offices more dim than the primary work areas. Thus, employees will feel the fatigue in their minds at the minimum level when the clocks show the evening, while they are approaching the end of the day when they take 3-5 breaks.

Switch to Sustainable Office Lighting!

Of course, if you haven't passed yet. Sustainability and efficiency is an issue that should be given importance in energy consumption as well as in employees. The fact that every individual spends time and effort on his career by working for the life he dreams of reveals the principle that we should take responsibility for the future of the Earth that hosts our dreams. Today, the whole world is changing its consumption habits for a sustainable, green future. Choosing energy-saving LED lighting products while illuminating offices means doing a great favor to the world and future generations by reducing energy consumption. On the other hand, investing in high-quality and long-lasting LED lighting products, instead of choosing cheap lighting products that are sold below the market, which often leads to waste of raw materials, greatly reduces the lighting expenses of institutions and companies in the long run. consumes more lighting. This allows energy costs to be significantly reduced. This positive change in electricity bills means happier bosses, and the efficiency of the working environment is mostly due to happy bosses. As Triolux, we know our share of responsibility for the future of the lives we illuminate and of our world. For this reason, we support a bright future by bringing our lighting products, which take their sustainability and savings from advanced LED technology and have a lifetime of more than 10 years, to productive offices for many years.